There are various reasons as to why we experience fatigue in the workplace. It could be due to a poor nights sleep, health issues, stress or even a busy workload schedule. Fortunately for us, there are countless ways we can boost our energy in order to get the body working normally again, without the temptation to take a 20 minute power nap under your office desk. Fatigue is ultimately known as a decline in mental or physical performance that results from sleep loss or disruption of the internal clock. Consider how effective your sleep routine is, are there factors that could be contributing to your tiredness? The early birds vs night owls article enables you to learn about the two chronotypes. Find out if you’re a night owl or an early bird and determine whether or not they are impacting your daily functions. Tiredness and fatigue results in slower reactions, reduced concentration levels, memory loss, decreased awareness, poor coordination and lots more. It can be dangerous as fatigue can lead to accidents, errors and potential injuries. It is the reason for 20% of accidents on major roads, and it is estimated that the cost is £115 - £240 million per year in regards to workplace accidents. So, with that being said, we’ll take a look at the common causes and ways in which we can conquer fatigue!

The Common Causes of Fatigue

Workload – We tire throughout the working day because we are using up energy. This is why we have to fuel our body with nutrients and the right foods which top our energy levels right back up! In workplaces that include manual labour and work that puts a strain on the body, this has more of an impact on a person physically. Environmental factors – In the workplace, you’d be surprised at changes that can have a significant impact on our bodies. For example, a change in temperature can be uncomfortable and cause fatigue. It’s known that we sleep better at cooler temperatures, whereas warmth and heat can make us feel sleepy! Depression – This particular mental health condition not only makes people feel sad and down, but it drains their energy too. It is often associated with insomnia resulting in lack of sleep. Not enough exercise – A lack of exercise can ultimately cause further fatigue. Deconditioning makes it harder and increases tiredness when performing physical activity. falling asleep gif

Overcoming Fatigue In The Workplace

o Ensure you have a consistent sleep routine in place, so that you go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Your body is an internal clock and it knows when it needs to rest and when it doesn’t o The National Sleep Foundation recommend having a room temperature of 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit, which is between 15 and 19 Celsius. This supposedly enhances our sleep, resulting in feeling more energised and well rested when we wake o At work, eat small frequent meals throughout the day o Stay hydrated with water o Avoid junk food o Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evenings! o Get some fresh air and physical activity on your breaks o Change your environment – if you need to adjust lighting, noise levels and temperature to stay alert, do it! employees in the workplace Those listed above are relatively easy fixes to fight fatigue in the workplace. By changing small things in your lifestyle, such as the time you go to sleep and wake up, it can have a significantly positive impact on your life and those around you. Just like reducing screen time before bed or treating yourself to a heavenly new mattress – they work absolute wonders! If you do, however, feel as though your tiredness and fatigue is of something more serious, please consult your GP doctor as soon as possible.