In an ideal world, everyone would be a morning person and we would wake up refreshed to tackle the day.

However, this is not the case as we often find it difficult to get up and be active in the morning. Waking up early and being productive earlier in the day would make our lives much easier, so in this article, we will look at the steps you can take to become a morning person. So, get ready to take note of these five steps that could change your life.

Get in a Night Time Routine

When you are not in a routine at night you can often find it harder to fall asleep which will then result in you feeling more lethargic in the morning. A good way to tackle this is to have a specific time where you will go to sleep. By following a night time routine, you will find it easier to fall asleep and this will also help to improve your overall sleeping pattern. You also want to create a calming experience before you go to sleep to further aid this process, this could involve something simple like reading a book or winding down without the use of electronics. Making sure that your bedroom is the right environment for sleep is essential here, as a clean room will give you a clear and uncluttered space to properly relax in. To improve and set in place your routine you can use sleep apps to track your sleep and create checklists to complete before you go to bed.

Stop Pressing Snooze on Your Alarm

We are all guilty of this sometimes but snoozing your alarm in the morning is one of the worst things you can do in the morning! Pressing snooze on your alarm and falling back to sleep will only leave you feeling even more groggy when you properly wake up. This will make you hate mornings although you will not be setting yourself up for the day by doing this. The best way to combat this is to wake up and get moving on the first call of your alarm. By doing this you will shift into a positive state of mind in the morning and you will be ready to seize the day. If you allow yourself to stay in bed you will enable grogginess to settle in, whereas when you have left your bed this will be eliminated.

Person snoozing alarm clock in the morning

Get up at The Same Time Every Day

Following on from the last step if you master this one you will no longer need an alarm clock. Getting up at the same time every day will solve your body clock issues and will leave you feeling refreshed in the mornings. However, it is very easy to fall out of this pattern if you sleep for longer periods on weekends or take afternoon naps, so it is crucial that you stick to the same time once it is in place. Once you have got used to waking up at the same time every morning, you will find yourself waking up a minute or so before your alarm due to your internal clock. So, try and implement this into your life and reap the benefits in your mornings.


Go to Sleep When You Are Tired

We all have a time at night where we start to feel tired and recognise that we are ready for bed, this is the time when we should be getting into bed ready for sleep. Instead of this many people end up napping in the afternoon which leads to us feeling less tired when it is time to go to bed, making it much harder for us to fall asleep. Waiting too long to go to bed will ruin your sleep, as powering through your tiredness will have adverse effects when you are trying sleep. This will leave you with potential sleepless nights as you lie there exhausted but cannot fall asleep. So, next time you are feeling tired at night get into bed and aim to sleep to enable yourself to feel better in the mornings.

Man in bed struggling to wake up in the morning

Make it a Habit

The most important step in turning yourself into a morning person is following all of the steps above as a natural habit. We are all creatures of habit so by swapping out your bad sleeping habits like afternoon napping and snoozing your alarm, for good habits like waking up at the same time every day, you will feel more active in the morning. Turning these steps into habits will have a great effect on your life in general as well as your sleep, as by sticking to these steps you will become more productive in the mornings. To create these habits, you will need to think positively and have the right intentions, if you follow these steps with the right mindset it will have a great influence on how your mornings go.


So, there you have it, 5 steps that will help you turn into a morning person. Try following this process to see how it could improve your mornings. If you are looking to find the perfect mattress to aid your sleep take a look at our mattress guide here at My Next Mattress today.