We all lead relatively busy lives, with 9-5 jobs relating to Dolly Parton when she said, ‘you would think that I deserve a fat promotion’, but it’s physically impossible to be on the go constantly, which is why when our energy levels dip, we need rest (and potentially a 4 hour power nap). There are, however, various things that you can do to enhance your energy levels naturally. And this does not involve downing 3 cans of Red Bull on your morning commute to work. If you are struggling at work though, try out our how to conquer fatigue in the workplace article. In order to naturally kickstart your energy levels, it will require a few easy lifestyle changes that you’ll be able to notice the difference in within the first few months. We know that when we get tired, we find it harder to concentrate, our frustration levels rise and it has a negative impact on us mentally, as well as physically. Many health experts across the globe have compiled lists of things that you can do to boost your energy, so you can try a few which you’re confident in first before diving in headfirst. energised employee with cape

Reduce Stress

We know that saying reduce your stress won’t magically make it go away, but there are a number of things you can do to ease the mind and calm it down when it’s full of stress. Stress is one of the main factors when it comes to difficulty in sleeping, concentrating and switching off. It’s important that you have control over your stress, so that it doesn’t s cause you significant issues. We can’t give you a definite answer of what will reduce your stress, unfortunately we’re not mind readers, but it’s something we’re still working on. What we do know though, is that you should think of the things that make you feel most at ease, and experience those at least a few times a week to keep you balanced. This could be reading a book, going for a great Italian and eating too much garlic bread, going for a walk and so on. By taking time for yourself, it can reduce stress and even anxiety.

Eat Healthy

A balanced diet is crucial in kick starting your energy levels and making sure they don’t dip at the most inconvenient times. Our bodies need plenty of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly and survive. If you don’t receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals through your food, taking vitamin supplements is a sensible alternative which is quite common among many of us. If however, you still feel no different with an improved diet, Heller, a health expert, suggests it could be due to a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body which includes the break down of glucose into energy. Ultimately, a drop in this results in energy levels dropping too! Here are a few foods to eat to ensure you’re receiving the recommended amount of magnesium: • Nuts – almonds, cashews, hazelnuts • Whole grains – bran cereal, brown rice, oatmeal • Fish fruit and vegetables

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is not only good for the body, but it improves our mood and helps our skin! It’s quite easy to confuse hunger with thirst, but this can also be the reason for fatigue. In order to stay hydrated, we need to drink 2 litres of water, which is essentially 6-8 cups a day. Especially in hot water, because we lost water via sweat, we need to ensure we drink the right amount to avoid dehydration and tiredness.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol can make you feel drowsy and interfere with quality of deep sleep. Many people do not know that even when you think you’re getting the rest you think you are; you’re actually not getting quality sleep. We recommend cutting down on alcohol before your usual bedtime so your sleep won’t be disrupted and so you’ll wake up the next morning with more energy. By having a consistent sleep schedule, it helps regulate your internal body clock.

Work Out

This doesn’t have to be religiously. We’re not telling you to spend 3 hours in the gym straight after you’ve finished an 8 hour shift at work. A little bit of exercise, however, does go a long way. By incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine, it boosts energy levels and is known as one of the best and effective methods to enhance this. Physical activity sends nutrients and oxygen to the cells in your body, which helps your organs, especially the lungs and the heart, to work more efficiently and healthily. homer simpson exercise