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Highgrove is one the bedding world's fastest growing brands, producing up to 5,000 beds a week from their manufacturing depot in West Yorkshire which is one of the biggest and most technologically advanced in Europe. Highgrove mattresses and beds are produced to the very highest specifications and because they aren't yet competing with the likes of Hypnos in terms of the brand name, we are able to sell all of their bed and mattresses at fantastic value for money. Highgrove's standing has never been stronger and this is only likely to reach new heights in the coming years. In the last few years, we have sold more Highgrove products from recommendations that any other brand. Why not explore the full Highgrove range with us and order online today?
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Highgrove Beds

Highgrove Beds

Highgrove is one the bedding world's fastest growing brands, producing up to 5,000 beds a week from their manufacturing depot in West Yorkshire which is one of the biggest and most technologically advanced in Europe. Highgrove mattresses and beds are produced to the very highest specifications and because they aren't yet competing with the likes of Hypnos in terms of the brand name, we are able to sell all of their bed and mattresses at fantastic value for money. Highgrove's standing has never been stronger and this is only likely to reach new heights in the coming years. In the last few years, we have sold more Highgrove products from recommendations that any other brand. Why not explore the full Highgrove range with us and order online today?

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(*) on items larger than 3' Single Mattresses

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