If you’ve ever experienced a dream and suddenly become very aware that you were in a dream, congratulations – it’s called lucid dreaming. Lucidity is not rare, and many of us have more than likely experienced a lucid dream at least once. Some research suggests that this type of dreaming has cognitive benefits because it is accompanied by an increased activation of parts of the brain that are usually suppressed when we sleep. But the main question still stands whether or not it has an impact on our sleep and it’s quality. Before we dive into that question though, let’s have a look at the purpose of lucid dreaming, it’s advantages and disadvantages.

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming represents a brain state between REM sleep and being awake. Essentially it is defined as a dream in which a person, while dreaming, is aware that they are dreaming. This gives them the ability to have control over their dreams, which is kind of awesome. There are many studies based around this particular type of dreaming, some researchers have said lucid dreaming can actually be therapeutic, it has been defined as a ‘creative activity’ and then others simply do it for fun!

Are There Benefits of Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming can work differently for each and every person. People can use lucid dreaming to improve creativity, overcome nightmares, practice skills, solve problems or much more. Researchers have shown that people who dream of practicing a routine can improve their ability in the activity in real life. There is also evidence that suggests lucid dreaming can help improve mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. If you’re a lucid dreamer, be sure to share with us how it benefits you! Here are some of the most common benefits: Develop Creativity and Inspiration – A famous lucid dreamer and painter, Salvador Dali created some of the most surreal and beautiful paintings thanks to the inspiration he received from lucid dreaming. Practice and Improve Skills – If there’s something you’ve felt the need to improve on, what better way than in your dreams? Physical skills can in fact be improved upon, because it all comes down to the tangible experience that transfers to real life muscle memory. Very cool, right? As the saying goes – practice makes perfect. So, if you want to be the next Michael Phelps, get your lucid dreaming game on! Overcome Fears – Lucid dreams can help us overcome fears and phobias. Lucid dreamers are able to control actions and slow down time, which makes it easier when it comes to taking on fears. It’s said that dealing with a worst-case scenario in a more positive light creates new neural patterns in your unconscious mind, which essentially helps overcome the fear for good. lucid dreaming astral projection

Does Lucid Dreaming Have An Impact On Sleep?

Initially, lucid dreaming does not have a major impact on our sleep, although there are a few factors that contribute to lack of quality sleep. Different types of lucid dreaming techniques do have the potential to leave you feeling not so great, especially if you are first trying them out. However, trying too hard to be able to immerse yourself into a lucid dream can create sleep problems. A poll asked, “Is lucid dreaming affecting your sleep quality?” and over 50% stated that they were less tired the next day after lucid dreaming. Only 12.5% voted that they were more tired the day after lucid dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming Tips For a Better Sleep

1. Make sure you’re comfortable – this is an obvious tip, but a high-quality mattress can really work wonders. For the average person we sleep for 8 hours a day, meaning we will sleep for 229,961 hours in our life time. You could even go all out and purchase new and relaxing pillows too. 2. Stick to a regular sleep schedule – this ensures your sleeping pattern remains constant. 3. Try progressive muscle relaxation – this is an effective technique to control and release stress and anxiety after a long day. We shall leave you with a video on lucid dreaming for beginners if you’d like to experience it!