dreamcatcher in the sun Dreaming can be as charming as it can be frightening. In part one we covered why we dream, what a dream is and different ways to dream.  

Why Are Dreams Difficult to Recall?

Scientists don’t know with any certainty why dreams are so easily forgotten. Some have even suggested that we are wired to forget our dreams because otherwise how would be able to distinguish dreams from reality?   diagram of different parts of the brain   It is also thought that it may be harder to remember dreams because REM sleep shuts down systems in our brain that are responsible for creating memories. We may only occasionally remember dreams that take place just before we wake when certain activities are functioning properly again.   Some believe that our minds don’t forget dreams, they are just stored in the brain waiting to be recalled. This theory may explain why we remember a dream later on in the day rather than immediately after you awake.  

Tips for Dream Recall

If you are a deep sleeper and tend to sleep all the way to the morning, you’re much less likely to able to remember your dreams compared to people who wake throughout the night. Below are some tips for influencing your ability to recall your dreams:   Wake with No Alarm –    You are more likely to remember your dreams if your body wakes up naturally. Once your alarm goes off, your thoughts are aimed towards making the noises stop.   Remember to Remember –   If you are keen to remember your dreams and make a conscious decision to do so, you will be much more likely to remember your dreams the next day. Remind yourself before you go to sleep that you'd like to remember your dream.   Dream Playback –    If you think about the dream right after waking, it may be easier to remember it later.  

How to Make Sense of Dreams

  If you are intrigued by your dreams or wish to seek the meaning behind them, consider keeping a dream journal. Below we’ve compiled some tips:   Write it Down – Keep a notebook and pen next to your bed and record your dreams first thing each morning. Write down anything you can remember and how you reacted to it.   Journal without Judgement – Dreams are often seriously odd and may go against the grain of society’s norms. Try not to judge yourself based on a dream.   Give each Dream a Title – This will help if you wish to refer back to them in future. Sometimes the title you give it can go a long way to helping you ascertain a meaning.   Dreams have mystified and fascinated the human race since the very beginning of time and will more than likely continue to fluster us for many more years to come. Although science has offered us the opportunity to view the human brain in such close detail, we may still never know the meaning of dreams.   We often look upon dreaming as a given, but for those who struggle to sleep because of an uncomfortable mattress or bed, dreaming is something of a luxury. Contact us for advice on how to improve your night’s sleep.